Application of innovative techniques for innovative waste material management for effective and efficient management of Mega Events like Simhastha 2016 in Holy city Ujjain requires lot of efforts, proper management planning, managerial strategies coupled with timely implementations by the Central, State Governments, Local Administrations, media, common man, NGOs, concerning agencies and other stake holders. It is expected that in the forthcoming Simhastha 2016 approximate 5 crores pilgrims will gatther in holy city Ujjain. This event requires the adequate & innovative waste material management, proper management of sanitation, disposable system for waste water, quality management involving lakhs of people. This can be used to provide an overview and references on some of the conceptual and practical work undertaken in the area of Mega Events’ Management. This may enable the planners, policy makers and administrator to identify and measure the key factors associated with experiencing, regulating, and managing mega events. The transformation is occurring… One day our waste streams will not be considered “waste.” They will to be thought of as resources and materials.
Key-Words / Index Term
Component; Innovative, Solid Waste Management, Disposable System for Waste Water
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Sumit Chopra, "Innovative Waste Material Management with Reference to Simhastha 2016," International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences, Vol.3, Issue.1, pp.1-2, 2016