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Thanusree Mallakuntla Ramesh1 , Hanumanth Kumar Gurajala2 , Rupadevi Mopati3 , Chandrasekhar Kathera4 , Pramodakumari Jasti5
Section:Research Paper, Product Type: Journal-Paper
Vol.6 ,
Issue.6 , pp.26-31, Dec-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijsrbs/v6i6.2631
Online published on Dec 31, 2019
Copyright © Thanusree Mallakuntla Ramesh, Hanumanth Kumar Gurajala, Rupadevi Mopati, Chandrasekhar Kathera, Pramodakumari Jasti . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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IEEE Style Citation: Thanusree Mallakuntla Ramesh, Hanumanth Kumar Gurajala, Rupadevi Mopati, Chandrasekhar Kathera, Pramodakumari Jasti, “Role of Pseudomonas Flourescens on Lead Phytoremediation and Recovery of Adverse Effects in Sansevieria Roxburghiana Plant under Hydroponic Studies,” International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences, Vol.6, Issue.6, pp.26-31, 2019.
MLA Style Citation: Thanusree Mallakuntla Ramesh, Hanumanth Kumar Gurajala, Rupadevi Mopati, Chandrasekhar Kathera, Pramodakumari Jasti "Role of Pseudomonas Flourescens on Lead Phytoremediation and Recovery of Adverse Effects in Sansevieria Roxburghiana Plant under Hydroponic Studies." International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences 6.6 (2019): 26-31.
APA Style Citation: Thanusree Mallakuntla Ramesh, Hanumanth Kumar Gurajala, Rupadevi Mopati, Chandrasekhar Kathera, Pramodakumari Jasti, (2019). Role of Pseudomonas Flourescens on Lead Phytoremediation and Recovery of Adverse Effects in Sansevieria Roxburghiana Plant under Hydroponic Studies. International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences, 6(6), 26-31.
BibTex Style Citation:
author = {Thanusree Mallakuntla Ramesh, Hanumanth Kumar Gurajala, Rupadevi Mopati, Chandrasekhar Kathera, Pramodakumari Jasti},
title = {Role of Pseudomonas Flourescens on Lead Phytoremediation and Recovery of Adverse Effects in Sansevieria Roxburghiana Plant under Hydroponic Studies},
journal = {International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences},
issue_date = {12 2019},
volume = {6},
Issue = {6},
month = {12},
year = {2019},
issn = {2347-2693},
pages = {26-31},
url = {https://www.isroset.org/journal/IJSRBS/full_paper_view.php?paper_id=1603},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i6.2631}
publisher = {IJCSE, Indore, INDIA},
RIS Style Citation:
DO = {https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i6.2631}
UR - https://www.isroset.org/journal/IJSRBS/full_paper_view.php?paper_id=1603
TI - Role of Pseudomonas Flourescens on Lead Phytoremediation and Recovery of Adverse Effects in Sansevieria Roxburghiana Plant under Hydroponic Studies
T2 - International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences
AU - Thanusree Mallakuntla Ramesh, Hanumanth Kumar Gurajala, Rupadevi Mopati, Chandrasekhar Kathera, Pramodakumari Jasti
PY - 2019
DA - 2019/12/31
SP - 26-31
IS - 6
VL - 6
SN - 2347-2693
ER -
Abstract :
Phytoremediative potential of Sansevieria roxburghianawas studied in association with siderophore producing bacteria Pseudomonas flourescens in synthetic medium supplemented with different concentrations of lead (40, 80, 120 and 160 mg/L)over aperiod of 30 daysalong with control.Thechlorophyll content decreasedindicatingincreased production of reactive oxygen species effecting photosynthetic activity, this was confirmed by increased malondialdehyde content. The highest concentrations of Pb 6.1 mg g-1 and 26.4 mg g–1 were accumulated in shoots and roots of S.roxburghianagrown on Pb-rich synthetic medium inoculated with Pseudomonas flourescenscompared with uninoculated plants4.2 mg g–1 and 20.23 mg g–1. In S.roxburghianabioconcentration factor (BCF) increased with increase in lead concentration (P<0.05) beforePseudomonas flourescensinoculation and after inoculation BCF showed increase upto 160mg/L and reduced upon increasing concentration of metal.Decrease in biomass with increase in Pd concentration at 40 mg and 80 mgis observed and decreased gradually. Translocation factor (TF) increased at 40 mg, 80 mg but not at 120 mg, 160 mg concentrations without Pseudomonas flourescens and is also not significant with addition of Pseudomonas at all concentrations.The tolerance index showed increase at 40,80 concentrations and low at 120,160 mg concentrations even with inoculation of Pseudomonas flourescens. From the results it is revealed that theS.roxburghianaalong with Pseudomonas flourescens can contribute for more accumulation and high degradative potential towards lead.
Key-Words / Index Term :
S.roxburghiana, Pseudomonas flourescens, Phytoremediation, Bioconcentration factor, Tolerance index, Translocation factor
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