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Garcinia cowa: A Potential target for Drug Therapy against Lung Cancer

P. Suganya1 , K. Ramya2 , G. Suja3

Section:Research Paper, Product Type: Journal-Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.2 , pp.180-184, Apr-2020

Online published on Apr 30, 2020

Copyright © P. Suganya, K. Ramya, G. Suja . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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IEEE Style Citation: P. Suganya, K. Ramya, G. Suja, “Garcinia cowa: A Potential target for Drug Therapy against Lung Cancer,” International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences, Vol.7, Issue.2, pp.180-184, 2020.

MLA Style Citation: P. Suganya, K. Ramya, G. Suja "Garcinia cowa: A Potential target for Drug Therapy against Lung Cancer." International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences 7.2 (2020): 180-184.

APA Style Citation: P. Suganya, K. Ramya, G. Suja, (2020). Garcinia cowa: A Potential target for Drug Therapy against Lung Cancer. International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences, 7(2), 180-184.

BibTex Style Citation:
author = {P. Suganya, K. Ramya, G. Suja},
title = {Garcinia cowa: A Potential target for Drug Therapy against Lung Cancer},
journal = {International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences},
issue_date = {4 2020},
volume = {7},
Issue = {2},
month = {4},
year = {2020},
issn = {2347-2693},
pages = {180-184},
url = {https://www.isroset.org/journal/IJSRBS/full_paper_view.php?paper_id=1877},
publisher = {IJCSE, Indore, INDIA},

RIS Style Citation:
UR - https://www.isroset.org/journal/IJSRBS/full_paper_view.php?paper_id=1877
TI - Garcinia cowa: A Potential target for Drug Therapy against Lung Cancer
T2 - International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences
AU - P. Suganya, K. Ramya, G. Suja
PY - 2020
DA - 2020/04/30
SP - 180-184
IS - 2
VL - 7
SN - 2347-2693
ER -

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Abstract :
Plants, besides providing raw materials for our sustenance, also having therapeutic properties to cure many chronic diseases like cancer, diabetics and cardiac problems. As they are easily available, cheaper and have no toxicity when compared to chemical drugs, the demands of their products commence increasing for treatments. Moreover, the estimated rate of cancer patients has begun to raise gradually, the necessity to find an active compound from plants becomes more important. So the phytoconstituents present in the medicinal plants have been isolated and marketed as anticancer drugs depend on their traditional values and scientific reports. In our present study, the Garcinia cowa, a traditional medicinal plant was screened. The extraction process has been done by maceration for all parts of the plant with suitable solvents. Crude extracts were then subjected to phytochemical analysis. The selected extract was examined by trypan blue dye exclusion technique to determine the cell viability. The active extract has shown dose-dependent cytotoxicity against lung cancer (CTC50 - 2.29) whereas it has shown less cytotoxicity towards normal Vero cells (CTC50 - 0.10).

Key-Words / Index Term :
Garcinia cowa; MTT- assay; Lung cancer cell line (A549)

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