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Medication Administration Errors Evaluation in Pediatric Ward by Pharmacist

T. Ahmed1 , N. Haq2 , M. Minhas3 , Q. Iqbal4 , S. Mehmood5 , Muhammad Waqas6 , F. Jaffar7

Section:Research Paper, Product Type: Isroset-Journal
Vol.4 , Issue.2 , pp.1-6, Apr-2017

Online published on Apr 30, 2017

Copyright © T. Ahmed, N. Haq, M. Minhas, Q. Iqbal, S. Mehmood, Muhammad Waqas, F. Jaffar . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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IEEE Style Citation: T. Ahmed, N. Haq, M. Minhas, Q. Iqbal, S. Mehmood, Muhammad Waqas, F. Jaffar, “Medication Administration Errors Evaluation in Pediatric Ward by Pharmacist,” International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences, Vol.4, Issue.2, pp.1-6, 2017.

MLA Style Citation: T. Ahmed, N. Haq, M. Minhas, Q. Iqbal, S. Mehmood, Muhammad Waqas, F. Jaffar "Medication Administration Errors Evaluation in Pediatric Ward by Pharmacist." International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences 4.2 (2017): 1-6.

APA Style Citation: T. Ahmed, N. Haq, M. Minhas, Q. Iqbal, S. Mehmood, Muhammad Waqas, F. Jaffar, (2017). Medication Administration Errors Evaluation in Pediatric Ward by Pharmacist. International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences, 4(2), 1-6.

BibTex Style Citation:
author = {T. Ahmed, N. Haq, M. Minhas, Q. Iqbal, S. Mehmood, Muhammad Waqas, F. Jaffar},
title = {Medication Administration Errors Evaluation in Pediatric Ward by Pharmacist},
journal = {International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences},
issue_date = {4 2017},
volume = {4},
Issue = {2},
month = {4},
year = {2017},
issn = {2347-2693},
pages = {1-6},
url = {https://www.isroset.org/journal/IJSRBS/full_paper_view.php?paper_id=341},
publisher = {IJCSE, Indore, INDIA},

RIS Style Citation:
UR - https://www.isroset.org/journal/IJSRBS/full_paper_view.php?paper_id=341
TI - Medication Administration Errors Evaluation in Pediatric Ward by Pharmacist
T2 - International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences
AU - T. Ahmed, N. Haq, M. Minhas, Q. Iqbal, S. Mehmood, Muhammad Waqas, F. Jaffar
PY - 2017
DA - 2017/04/30
SP - 1-6
IS - 2
VL - 4
SN - 2347-2693
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Abstract :
Study was designed to value the medication administrating mistakes frequency and prevention strategy in a pediatric ward. The study was prospective observational based. Assessment of all the treatment chart of admitted patients by Pharmacist throughout the study duration and analyzed the administration mistakes in medicine as per WHO guidelines. Data was collected from pediatric ward of (BMCH) Bolan Medical Complex Hospital, Quetta from the period of October - November 2015 in a data collection form. Descriptive statistical data was analyzed, interpreted and the related samples Cochran’s-Q test was applied and analyzed by SPSS 22. The 287 patient’s treatment chart were assessed and the total drug administration were 8179, out of which drug administration to male patients were 5156 (63%) and female patients 3023 (37%). The total administration errors in medication were recorded 6718 (82.13%), which include 6607 (98.34% of total errors) were omission errors, followed by 43 (0.64%) wrong time error, 41 (0.61%) un-authorized drug error wrong frequency error 13 (0.19%), wrong dose error 11 (0.16%), incorrect dosage form error 02 (0.02%) and wrong error route 01 (0.01%). There was a high percentage of administration mistakes in pediatric ward in which omission error was most frequent administration error made by nurses throughout the practice of medicines administration. Nurses mentioned a multiplicity of issues as causative to errors but the utmost common issues associated to the fact that medications were administered in a busy, noisy surroundings to problematic, troubled patients, workload, occasionally by fewer than best staffing levels, individual issues; such as feeling exhausted, unsupported, distressed and deficiency of awareness in nurses about medication administration process. These features have been acknowledged as relevant to error relationship in practice of nursing.

Key-Words / Index Term :
Pharmacist, administration, medication errors, nursing, pediatric, WHO Guidelines

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