Volume-6 , Issue-3 , Mar 2020, ISSN 2454-9312 (Online), 2454-6143 (Print) Go Back

  • Open Access   Article

    Processing Effects on the Chemical and Sensory Evaluation of Breakfast Cereal Produced from Malted, Fermented and Roasted Sorghum and African Yam Bean

    C.N. Nwakalor

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.6 , Issue.3 , pp.62-64, Mar-2020

  • Open Access   Article

    Maize Grain Yield Using Diluted Cattle Urine Technology

    M.A. Ewenetu and N.M. Ayalew

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.6 , Issue.3 , pp.65-74, Mar-2020

  • Open Access   Article

    Common Grammatical Errors among Non-English Major Teachers

    Reynante I. Enriquez

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.6 , Issue.3 , pp.75-80, Mar-2020

  • Open Access   Article

    Exploratory Study of Self-esteem and Life Satisfaction among Adolescents

    Syed Najmah Jameel, Shawkat Ahmad Shah

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.6 , Issue.3 , pp.81-83, Mar-2020

  • Open Access   Article

    Perception Difference among Leader’s and Follower’s for leadership style and employee performance: Case on Public and Private Banks in India

    Sakshi Sharma, Manju Nair

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.6 , Issue.3 , pp.84-89, Mar-2020

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