for more than a century there has been speculation that the antecedents of mental retardation, learning disabilities, personality disorders, and similar educational and behavioral problems may be associated with anomalies of pregnancy, birth, and infancy. While most of the substantive research in this area has taken place during the past 25 years, its antecedents can be directly traced to the late 19th century. Children with learning disabilities are a heterogeneous group.3 These children are a diverse group of individuals, exhibiting potential difficulties in many different areas. For example, one child with a learning disability may experience significant reading problems, while another may experience no reading problems whatsoever, but has significant difficulties with written expression. we review research on the cognitive, linguistic, and other learning challenges experienced by adults with learning disabilities and the use of accommodations that facilitate learning. We focus mainly on research with college students because the empirical research base is more comprehensive for them than for other adult learners with learning disabilities. 2 The research paper also includes neurocognitive research that has concentrated mainly on children with learning disabilities, although adolescents and adults have been included in the research to some degree. a brief overview of learning disabilities before turning to a more specific discussion of reading disabilities, the most prevalent and best studied class of learning disabilities. Most of this research concentrates on the reading and comprehension of words and sentences.
In this research work we are describing the complete statistical analysis for particular validity and reliability of proposed questionnaire also included.1
Key-Words / Index Term
ADHD, Comorbidity, Risk factors, Referral, Specific learning disability, SPSS analysis, LD , specific disorder, children problems, reading and writing issues, etc.
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