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Validation of Hindi Version of Falls Efficacy Scale-International(FES-I) in Indian Elderly of Age 60-79 Years: A Cross Sectional Study

Abhijeet A. Deshmukh1 , Nikita Kanoje2 , Maneesha S. Deshpande3 , Pushpa Dhote4

Section:Research Paper, Product Type: Journal-Paper
Vol.8 , Issue.8 , pp.26-31, Aug-2022

Online published on Aug 31, 2022

Copyright © Abhijeet A. Deshmukh, Nikita Kanoje, Maneesha S. Deshpande, Pushpa Dhote . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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IEEE Style Citation: Abhijeet A. Deshmukh, Nikita Kanoje, Maneesha S. Deshpande, Pushpa Dhote, “Validation of Hindi Version of Falls Efficacy Scale-International(FES-I) in Indian Elderly of Age 60-79 Years: A Cross Sectional Study,” International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies , Vol.8, Issue.8, pp.26-31, 2022.

MLA Style Citation: Abhijeet A. Deshmukh, Nikita Kanoje, Maneesha S. Deshpande, Pushpa Dhote "Validation of Hindi Version of Falls Efficacy Scale-International(FES-I) in Indian Elderly of Age 60-79 Years: A Cross Sectional Study." International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies 8.8 (2022): 26-31.

APA Style Citation: Abhijeet A. Deshmukh, Nikita Kanoje, Maneesha S. Deshpande, Pushpa Dhote, (2022). Validation of Hindi Version of Falls Efficacy Scale-International(FES-I) in Indian Elderly of Age 60-79 Years: A Cross Sectional Study. International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies , 8(8), 26-31.

BibTex Style Citation:
author = {Abhijeet A. Deshmukh, Nikita Kanoje, Maneesha S. Deshpande, Pushpa Dhote},
title = {Validation of Hindi Version of Falls Efficacy Scale-International(FES-I) in Indian Elderly of Age 60-79 Years: A Cross Sectional Study},
journal = {International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies },
issue_date = {8 2022},
volume = {8},
Issue = {8},
month = {8},
year = {2022},
issn = {2347-2693},
pages = {26-31},
url = {https://www.isroset.org/journal/IJSRMS/full_paper_view.php?paper_id=2913},
publisher = {IJCSE, Indore, INDIA},

RIS Style Citation:
UR - https://www.isroset.org/journal/IJSRMS/full_paper_view.php?paper_id=2913
TI - Validation of Hindi Version of Falls Efficacy Scale-International(FES-I) in Indian Elderly of Age 60-79 Years: A Cross Sectional Study
T2 - International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies
AU - Abhijeet A. Deshmukh, Nikita Kanoje, Maneesha S. Deshpande, Pushpa Dhote
PY - 2022
DA - 2022/08/31
SP - 26-31
IS - 8
VL - 8
SN - 2347-2693
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Abstract :
BACKGROUND Fall prevention, awareness and knowledge plays very important role among elderly population. Falls efficacy scale-international (FES-I) is valid and reliable tool to evaluate falls risk in elderly and has been proven feasible in various cross cultural population among countries Falls efficacy scale-international had been translated in Hindi language but to date not proven valid, hence present study aim to validate Hindi version of FES-I in Indian elderly population of age 60-79 years. METHODS Total 30 elderly population of age 60-79 years were included in present study from geriatric homes and tertiary care centers of city. The validation of Hindi version of FES-I was compared with gold standard scale to evaluate risk of falls among elderly i.e Berg balance scale (BBS). RESULTS The mean and standard deviation of age, height, weight, BMI, Falls efficacy scale-international score and Berg balance scale score was evaluated and compared. It was observed that Falls efficacy scale-international scores showed cronbach alfa values to excellent validity (0.96-0.98) when compared with gold standard BBS scores as well as found good interclass correlation coefficient (ICC= 0.79) among age group of 60-79 years. It was observed that Falls efficacy scale-international values increases with age as risk of falls increases whereas BBS score decreases as risk of increases when compared between age subgroup of 60-69 and 70-79 years. CONCLUSION Hindi version of Falls efficacy scale-international showed excellent validity in Indian elderly population of age 60-79 years. As the age advances, significantly increases falls risk among elderly.

Key-Words / Index Term :
Falls Efficacy Scale- International, Elderly, Berg Balance Scale, Validity, Hindi Validation

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