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Superposition Model Analysis of Cr3+ ions Doped CSA at Orthorhombic Symmetry Site
Ram Kripal1
Section:Research Paper, Product Type: Journal-Paper
Vol.10 ,
Issue.5 , pp.12-15, Oct-2022
Online published on Oct 31, 2022
Copyright © Ram Kripal . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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IEEE Style Citation: Ram Kripal, âSuperposition Model Analysis of Cr3+ ions Doped CSA at Orthorhombic Symmetry Site,â International Journal of Scientific Research in Physics and Applied Sciences, Vol.10, Issue.5, pp.12-15, 2022.
MLA Style Citation: Ram Kripal "Superposition Model Analysis of Cr3+ ions Doped CSA at Orthorhombic Symmetry Site." International Journal of Scientific Research in Physics and Applied Sciences 10.5 (2022): 12-15.
APA Style Citation: Ram Kripal, (2022). Superposition Model Analysis of Cr3+ ions Doped CSA at Orthorhombic Symmetry Site. International Journal of Scientific Research in Physics and Applied Sciences, 10(5), 12-15.
BibTex Style Citation:
author = {Ram Kripal},
title = {Superposition Model Analysis of Cr3+ ions Doped CSA at Orthorhombic Symmetry Site},
journal = {International Journal of Scientific Research in Physics and Applied Sciences},
issue_date = {10 2022},
volume = {10},
Issue = {5},
month = {10},
year = {2022},
issn = {2347-2693},
pages = {12-15},
url = {https://www.isroset.org/journal/IJSRPAS/full_paper_view.php?paper_id=2957},
publisher = {IJCSE, Indore, INDIA},
RIS Style Citation:
UR - https://www.isroset.org/journal/IJSRPAS/full_paper_view.php?paper_id=2957
TI - Superposition Model Analysis of Cr3+ ions Doped CSA at Orthorhombic Symmetry Site
T2 - International Journal of Scientific Research in Physics and Applied Sciences
AU - Ram Kripal
PY - 2022
DA - 2022/10/31
SP - 12-15
IS - 5
VL - 10
SN - 2347-2693
ER -

Abstract :
Superposition model (SPM) is employed to determine zero field splitting (ZFS) parameters (ZFSPs) and crystal field parameters (CFPs) of Cr3+ doped Cs2NaAl3F12 (CSA). Substitutional and interstitial sites for Cr3+ ion in CSA crystal and distortion are taken into consideration for computation. The ZFSPs thus obtained are in good agreement with the experimental values when distortion is incorporated. The optical energy band positions for Cr3+ in CAS are calculated using CFPs determined from SPM and CFA package. The results show that Cr3+ ions substitute CAS lattice at Al3+ sites.
Key-Words / Index Term :
Superposition model; Crystal field: zero-field splitting; Optical spectroscopy; Cr3+ ions in CSA.
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