Volume-7 , Issue-3 , Sep 2020, ISSN 2348-6341 Go Back

  • Open Access   Article

    Deproteinized Natural Rubber Latex Slow-recovery Foam Intended for Shoe Insoles Application

    R. Roslim, K.L. Mok, M.R. Fatimah Rubaizah, K. Shamsul, K.S. Tan

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (JPCM)

    Vol.7 , Issue.3 , pp.1-9, Sep-2020

  • Open Access   Article

    Evaluation of Solution Temperature and Treatment Time Effects of Zinc Phosphating on AISI 5140 Alloy Steel

    Husein Meshreghi, Fawzi Adawi

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (JPCM)

    Vol.7 , Issue.3 , pp.10-15, Sep-2020

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