Volume-9 , Issue-1 , Mar 2022, ISSN 2348-635X Go Back

  • Open Access   Article

    The Use of Charcoal and Isopropyl Alcohol as Alternative Ink for Whiteboard Markers: A Comparative Analysis between the Innovation and Commercialized Ink

    Justin B. Barrameda

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (WAJES)

    Vol.9 , Issue.1 , pp.1-6, Mar-2022

  • Open Access   Article

    Comparative Study between Pure Calcium Cored Wire and Conventional Cored Wire (CaSi, CaFe) Addition for Secondary Refining of Steel

    Kumar Abhishek, Rajib Khanda, Dipankar Biswas, Kiran Kumar Keshari, K Rama Krishna

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (WAJES)

    Vol.9 , Issue.1 , pp.7-17, Mar-2022

  • Open Access   Article

    Design of Wireless Sensor System of Monitoring and Controlling Parking Cars

    Mortada M.Abdulwahab, Abdalrhman A. Mohammed, Abdalrhman H. Mohammed, Mohammed M. Hamza

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (WAJES)

    Vol.9 , Issue.1 , pp.18-22, Mar-2022

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