Volume-12 , Issue-2 , Jun 2024, ISSN 2321-905X Go Back

  • Open Access   Article

    The Role of Workplace Designing and Equipping In Improving Workers’ Performance in the Industrial Sector: Manufacturing Clothes

    Bassel Anwar Asaad, Mary Hsfiz Mariam, Nour Gasem Ibrahem, Mohammad Bassam Kashmar

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (WAJM)

    Vol.12 , Issue.2 , pp.1-12, Jun-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    Maximizing Industrial Value Added in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Trade Globalisation and Government Regulation

    Kingsley O. Onyele, Charity Onyekachi-Onyele, Eberechi B. Ikwuagwu

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (WAJM)

    Vol.12 , Issue.2 , pp.13-25, Jun-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    Information System Security in Healthcare Organizations in Nigeria: A Comprehensive Review

    Attahiru Saminu, Manir Abdullahi Kamba

    Review Paper | Journal-Paper (WAJM)

    Vol.12 , Issue.2 , pp.26-35, Jun-2024

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