Volume-7 , Issue-3 , Mar 2021, ISSN 2454-9312 (Online), 2454-6143 (Print) Go Back

  • Open Access   Article

    Textural Characteristics and Microtexture of Sediments from Vettar River Mouth, Tamil Nadu, India: Implication for Depositional Environment and Provenance

    S. Venkatesan, P. Parthasarathy, R. Rajmohan, S. Sigarasubramanian, A. Rajkumar

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.7 , Issue.3 , pp.64-70, Mar-2021

  • Open Access   Article

    National Economic Recovery: A Space Technology Perspective (Case Study: The Construction of A Propellant Laboratory with A Mixing Capacity 0f 600 Liters in 2022)

    Brian Pratistha

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.7 , Issue.3 , pp.71-74, Mar-2021

  • Open Access   Article

    The Strategy of Cultural Development in Central Asia During Amir Temur and the Temurids Dynasty

    Turdiyev Bexruz Sobirovich

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.7 , Issue.3 , pp.75-77, Mar-2021

  • Open Access   Article

    The Magic and Science of Asana: Let’s Practice Asana This Way Using Novel Approach

    Deepak Kantilal Parmar, Ravi Kumar Shastri

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.7 , Issue.3 , pp.78-83, Mar-2021

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