Volume-10 , Issue-4 , Dec 2023, ISSN 2348-635X Go Back

  • Open Access   Article

    Mechanical Method of Coffee Processing for Large Scale Seed Production

    Sunday Adeleke, Mohammed Baba Nitsa, Amos Oloyede, Olusola Ogunjirin

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (WAJES)

    Vol.10 , Issue.4 , pp.1-7, Dec-2023

  • Open Access   Article

    Analysis of the Legal and Organizational Aspects of the Employer`s Responsibility and Obligation to Comply With Labor Protection Requirements

    Ahrorbek Abdunabiyev

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (WAJES)

    Vol.10 , Issue.4 , pp.8-14, Dec-2023

  • Open Access   Article

    Methods of Evacuating People from Buildings During a Fire: A Review

    Solijonov Muhammaddiyor

    Review Paper | Journal-Paper (WAJES)

    Vol.10 , Issue.4 , pp.15-20, Dec-2023

  • Open Access   Article

    The Responsibility and Obligation of Employers to Comply with Labor Protection Requirements

    Ahrorbek Abdunabiyev

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (WAJES)

    Vol.10 , Issue.4 , pp.21-26, Dec-2023

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