Volume-10 , Issue-1 , Jan 2024, ISSN 2454-9312 (Online), 2454-6143 (Print) Go Back

  • Open Access   Article

    Seasonal Variations of Sewage Loads of Heavy Metals and Microbial Parameters on River Jakara, Kano Metropolis, Nigeria

    Simon Stephen Mshelia

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.10 , Issue.1 , pp.1-8, Jan-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    Optimizing Corporate Value: A Comprehensive Study of Triple to Quadruple Bottom-Line Reporting and Its Impact on the Performance of Tata Consultancy Services

    Asha Sharma, Aditya Mishra

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.10 , Issue.1 , pp.9-12, Jan-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    Impact of Availability of Credit and Credit Procedure on Non-Financial Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bauchi Metropolis, Nigeria

    Lawan Garba, Abubakar Abubakar Mohammed, Yau Garba, Lawan Garba Mohammed

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.10 , Issue.1 , pp.13-20, Jan-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    From Moll White to Weird Barbie: Scrutinizing Female Voices in Addison`s "The Coverley Papers" and Barbie`s Live-Action Movie

    Maliha Islam, Tasnim Naz

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.10 , Issue.1 , pp.21-26, Jan-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    Perceived Pedagogic Competence Retention of Business Teacher Educators in Nigeria

    Bello M.I., Egunsola A.E.O., Modibbo M.B.

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.10 , Issue.1 , pp.27-33, Jan-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    Ageing and trem-2 Neuronal Signaling in Phyllanthus Emblicas

    Wahul Umesh B.

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMS)

    Vol.10 , Issue.1 , pp.34-38, Jan-2024

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